Black Desert Online: Update 17. Juni 2016

  • Ein Auf und Ab der Spielerherzen. Diese Woche hat der Publisher „Daum“ des Spieles „Black Desert Online“ viele Spieler glücklich gemacht, aber nicht vorher die Erwartungen einiger Gamer in den Keller rutschen zu lassen. Wir haben für euch die Vorstellung einer umfangreichen Klassenrebalance, ein Preview zu den kommenden Siege- und Nodewars und ein 7-Tages-Kostüm für euch!
    Am Dienstag zur besten Primetime postete „Daum“ eine Ankündigung für den folgenden Mittwoch. Ungewöhnlich gleich mit den Patchnotes. Normalerweise bekommen die Spieler diese erst nach Aufspielen des Updates zu sehen. Diesmal nicht und die Patchnotes haben es in sich. Leider in positiven wie im negativen Sinne.
    Mittwoch morgen ließ dann folgender Satz die Herzen in die Hosen rutschen: „…while preparing the siege war update, planned for June 15th, we ran into some last minute obstacles which brought us to a drastic decision. Unfortunately we have to announce that we will be postponing the Siege Warfare Content Update to Friday June 17th.“
    Leider gibt es dazu kein offizielles deutsches Statement, deshalb hier eine Übersetzung: „…während der Vorbereitung des Belagerungskriegs-Updates, geplant für den 15. Juni, sind wir auf dem Weg auf einige unvorhergesehende Hindernisse gestoßen, welche uns veranlaßt haben eine schwere Entscheidung zu treffen. Unglücklicherweise müssen wir das Update auf Freitag den 17. Juni verschieben.“

    Nichtsdestoweniger hier die vorläufigen Patchnotes:


    Fixed the issue where WP would decrease after using Hilt Smash.
    Cool down time for Counter I, II, III has been changed from 6sec. to 5 sec.
    Cool down time for Force Slash has been changed from 12 sec. to 9 sec.
    Damage for Ground Slash I, II, III will no longer decreases against players.
    Cool down time for Frenzied Charge has been changed from 30 sec. to 20 sec.
    Damage for Frenzied Charge has been increased against players.
    Damage for Deep Thrust has been decreased
    Cool down time for Piercing Spear has been changed from 12 sec. to 11 sec.
    Damage for Scars of Dusk has been increased against players.
    Damage for Ultimate: Deep Thrust has been increased from 80% to 150%.
    Damage for Divine Power has been increased when it is used on players.
    Damage for Sharp Light will no longer decrease when it is used again during cool down time.
    Damage for Ultimate: Divine Power has been increased from 312% to 353%.
    Damage for Just Counter has been increased
    Invincible effect will be applied when using evasive explosion shot and cool down has been increased.
    Using this skill while on cool down will not give the invincible effect.
    MP consumption for following skill has been decreased.
    Ultimate, Charging wind
    Will of the wind
    Razor Wind (Except for Lv1)
    Spirit Healing (All level’), MP recovery has been increased.
    The durability of armor and accessories will be consumed slower than before during melee attack.
    The damage will now be applied properly when Charging Wind is cast after movement while charging.
    MP recovery amount has been increased when evasion hit succeeds.
    MP recovery amount has been increased when Dagger of Protection succeeds.
    MP recovery amount has been increased when Moving Shot succeeds.
    MP recovery amount has been increased when pinpoint succeeds.
    Skill description has been changed for Flow: Kiss of the Wind.
    Razor Wind
    MP recovery has been removed when it’s used during cool down time.
    MP recovery amount has been increased when it is used while it is not cool down time.
    Cool down time will no longer reset when the skill is used repeatedly.
    Consumption of MP per hit has been removed.
    Skill Description for Ultimate: Evasion Shot has been added.
    Control command for Will of the wind has been added and skill description has been changed.
    Endurance will no longer recover while using Ultimate: Descending Current.
    Charging speed has been increased for Tearing Arrow.
    Cool down time has been added for Ultimate: Descending Current.
    Skill Icon has been changed for Ultimate: Descending Current.
    After getting Smash Down I skill, Undertaker I skill will be available.
    Using combo is easier now after using Wrath of Beast and Ire of Beast skill.
    Effect of increased Movement speed has been fixed when using SP: Beastly Wind Slash Spin Attack.
    Increasing movement speed has been decreased when using SP: Beastly Wind Slash Spin Attack.
    Movement speed 35% for 10 sec. -> 20% for 10sec.
    Amount of HP gained has been increased when leveling up.
    HP recovery effect has been added to Claw Scar and will give additional HP per hit when the hit succeeds.
    Stiffness effect will be applied when using Storming Beast on monsters.
    Damage for Storming Beast has been increased.
    Critical chance has been increased when using Predatory Hunt of jumping 2 times.
    Predatory Hunt will be casted faster after using Storming Beast
    Damage for Fierce Strike has been increased
    Damage for 3rd hit of Fierce Strike has been increased.
    Attack range for Fierce Strike has been increased.
    HP recovery effect has been added to Fierce Strike and will give additional HP per hit when the hit succeeds.
    Damage for Beastly Wind Slash Spin Attack has been increased.
    Damage for Beastly Wind Slash Crush Attack has been changed.
    Damage for Beastly Wind Slash has been decreased against players.
    Cool down time for Raging Thunder has been increased. 12 sec. -> 14 sec.
    Damage for Raging Thunder has been increased.
    Damage for Frenzied Destroyer has been increased.
    Damage for Dual smash of Frenzied Destroyer has been increased.
    Fixed the issue where Fierce Strike activates when using shake off by using left, right directional key +RMB.
    Fixed the issue where Beastly Wind Slash activates after using Fierce Strike when using Beastly Wind Slash after using undertaker.
    Front guard effect will be applied during the motion of charging Ki(Energy) and motion of moving forward when using Tackling Rock.
    Fixed the issue where Storming Beast activates instead of Tackling Rock after using Raging Thunder.
    Damage for Shadow Eruption I ~ IV Skill has been increased
    Ultimate: damage for Shadow Eruption skill has been increased
    Fixed the issue where 100% critical hit was applied when using Dark Flame during cool down time.
    When using Legendary Beast’s Power command, climbing will no longer work.
    When equipping short sword, left, right, back, evasion can be done by using arrow key
    (? + ?’, ‚? + ?’, ‚? + ?)
    Fixed the issue where the WP decreases twice when attacking after equipping short sword.
    Heilang: Skill description of Whiplash II has been improved.
    Damage for Flash has been increased.
    Damage for Flash: Pole Thrust has been increased.
    Damage for Flash: Stance Shift has been increased.
    Damage for 1st and 2nd hit of Heilang: Lightning of Earth has been increased.
    Corrected the buff description when absorbing Black spirit’s rage 100% (DP -> AP)
    Fixed the issue where monsters weren’t being pulled when using Void Lightning III.
    Cool down time for Legendary Beast’s Power has been decreased.
    Magier(in)/Wizard & Witch
    When switching from non-combat stance to combat stance while moving other actions will cast faster.
    Cool down time will no longer reset when using Multiple Magic Arrows
    MP recovery amount of base attack has been increased.
    Critical hit ratio has been added to Fireball Explosion.
    Casting motion for mana absorption has been removed.
    Cool down time for Magic Lighthouse and duration for magical object has been changed.
    Magical objects will apply defense power reduction buff continuously when using Magic Lighthouse.
    Recovery amount has been changed for Spellbound heart MP
    Duration for each level of summoner’s have been increased when Summoning Spellbound heart.(Before 5min. for all / After: 5, 6, 7, 8 10 min.)
    Movement speed increase has been added when using Spellbound Heart.
    Casting speed of each level of Meteor Shower has been increased.
    Super Armor has been added to Meteor Shower during Front Guard and attack.
    Front Guard has been added to Blizzard
    Skill Icon for Ultimate: Blizzard has been changed.
    Super armor has been added while casting Earthquake.
    Casting speed of each level of Earthquake has been increased.
    Animation speed of Earthquake is now faster.
    Aggro and decreasing defence power skill of Magic Lighthouse will activate right after summoning.
    Back Step Slash can be now used with quick slot.
    Damage for 1st and 2nd hit of Divider has been increased in PvP.
    Damage for Carver has been increased.
    Cool down time for Lunar has been decreased.
    Damage for Wind of Cyclone Slash has been increased
    Cool down time for Blooming has been decreased.
    Damage for 1st and 2nd hit of Divider’s has been increased.
    Cool down time for Gale has been decreased.
    Movement speed has been increased when using chase with blade and tiger blade stance.
    Fixed the issue where Blooming: Phantom didn’t activate sometimes when using Blooming.
    Back Step Slash can be now used with quick slot.
    Damage for 1st and 2nd hit of PVP divider’s skill has been increased.
    Damage for Carver has been increased.
    Cool down time for Lunar has been decreased.
    Damage for Wind of Cyclone Slash has been increased
    Cool down time for Blooming has been decreased.
    Movement speed has been increased when using chase with blade and tiger blade stance.
    Fixed the issue where Blooming: Phantom didn’t activate sometimes when using Blooming.
    Allgemeine Klassenänderungen
    100% Critical will be applied when Smash Attack(Air Smash, Down Smash) is activated.
    Max Lv for Breath, Strength, and Health in training(My Information) has been increased from 30 to 50.
    Accuracy for all classes’ skill have been changed.
    Infinite Mastery skill series can be now acquired from 50 to 55 instead from 55 to 60.
    “Experienced Hunter” skill has been added between Lv55 and Lv60.
    Calculation for Max HP, MP, WP, and SP has been changed from random method to fixed method when leveling up. Those stats will be adjusted accordingly
    Other crowd control skill will not be applied after using grabbing or bound skill.

    Persönliche Zusammenfassung

    Der Random-Faktor beim Stufenaufstieg wurde entfernt, gleichzeitig vitale PvP-Skills schon ab LvL 50 freigegeben.
    Der Berserker hat endlich die Aufmerksamkeit bekommen, die ihm zusteht. Die Änderungen sehen durch die Bank weg sehr gut aus. Der Ranger wird von einer Mana-„saufenden“-ich-war-schon-vorher-gut-spielbar-Klasse zu einer sehr „potenten“ Klasse. Der Wizard und die Witch bekommen ihre Überlebendstools gebuffed und kleine Änderungen ergeben zusammen ein ähnliches Bild wie beim Ranger. Musa und Maehwa bekommen unbedeutende Skills gebuffed. Leider nicht im selben Umfang für beide Geschlechter.
    Nun zum negativen Teil.
    Der Warrior bleibt eine nutzfreie Klasse. Die Änderungen sind zu marginal. Das selbe Schicksal erleidet auch die Valkyrie. Beiden Klassen wird im PvP auch das einzige Tool genommen um halbwegs zu konkurrieren zu können. Die Crowd-Control-Änderungen treffen beide Klassen mitten durch die Rüstung.

    Allgemeine Änderungen

    Monster’s Combat Exp & Skill Exp has been increased for all areas
    Monster’s HP has been decreased and damage for monsters has been decreased in all areas
    PvP Dueling has been added
    Party Elixirs have been added
    When enhancing Sub weapons(Accuracy and Defense) from +8 to +15, attack will increase +1
    When restoring item durability with Fragment of Memory and Memory of Master(based on x1), the amount of durability durability restored will be based on grade.
    – White +30
    – Green +15
    – Blue +6
    – Yellow +3
    New Cash Shop Item added
    Auction Reservation System has been added
    Effects for boss monsters will be still displayed even if the option is turned off


    Es bleibt spannend welche Änderungen bis Freitag übernommen werden. Insgesamt tut „Daum“ viel um das kommende Sommerloch zu überbrücken und hört auf die Community. In Hinblick auf die Sieges und Nodewars wurde das Craftingsystem vereinfacht. Mit der Einführung des Auction-Booking-Systems wurde ein lang gehegter Wunsch der Spieler erfüllt. „Black Desert Online“ nähert sich mit großen Schritten dem kommenden Valencia-Content.

    Die Patchnotes auf englisch. Die deutsche Übersetzung wird erst am 17. Juni veröffentlicht.
    Ein umfassender Guide zur Siege Warfare.
    Zu guter Letzt der Link zum kleinen Rätselraten für ein 7-Tages-Kostüm


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