Beiträge von Nikio

    The result of a globefish translation (in both ways) is like claiming WoW is a MMORPG ;)

    ... but according to the number one rule (plus one is more then zero) it's surely better then no translation at all, but let's hope globefish is not the way the Federation translator works ;)



    @ Xell - Turkey is a paradise? Have you ever been there? The motor vehicle accident rate in Turkey is among the highest in the world. Siskebab wrote a good list:

    1. Do not drive! Yes.. Do not drive unless you are experienced at drivining in Istanbul or similar places..If you desperately need to drive, please check the following
    2. almost no one uses signals. so, be prepared to see drivers changing lanes frequently to get one car further.
    3. do not expect cars to signal before leaving parking place.
    4. when driving on the rightmost lane, continue checking your right mirror. emergency lanes are also frequently used by fast drivers.
    5. buses, taxis, and minibuses are also have no sense of traffic rules. they are usually good in driving skills but do not obey rules also
    6. do not cross at red light, never
    7. when crossing in green light, check the road. A driver may dive in to the road.
    8. do not argue with anyone, even if you are right. many people are beaten and killed in Istanbul due to this.
    9. if you have accident, try to find someone who knows your language. Police will likely to report you as the guilty since you are foreigner
    10. many police officers accept bribes. The exception may be sahins (hawks)..They have bikes and back of their jackets are partly yellow-white. bribe can be given in passport, licence or something like that but not openly.
    11. If a police officers wants to fine you, he will eventually find something missing in your car, or against rules..In the worst case, you can be accused for something you do not do if you do not have a witness.
    12. since walkways are limited, pedestrians tend to walk in roads. They can even try to cross highways so be very careful.
    13. it is often to see a driver coming in the reverse direction on a one way road. Do not expect him to go back, he will not do but this will upset. Let him pass, pull over if it is needed.
    14. Horns and flashes are mainly used to swear, not to warn. So be selective when using it..
    15. bikes and bicycles are disrespected and sometimes hated. Be extra careful when using. Perverts who drive towards a biker are not seldom
    16. Expect the unexpected. They can do happen.

    .... and believe me or not, he is 100% right. So if you take all the cars away Turkey would surely worth a visit (from my point of view) :)

    Greetings Nikio


    ich weiss nicht ob die Lobby der richtige Bereich ist, aber ich komme halt nur in Bewerbung und Lobby - von daher wollte ich mich an dieser Stelle mal für das sehr gute und freundliche Bewerbungsgespräch bedanken, welches ich mit Amador geführt habe.

    Ich fand es sehr schön, dass sich Amador so viel Zeit genommen hat und mir somit einen sehr guten, ersten Überblick über STO geboten hat. Ich habe wirklich selten ein so freundliches und informatives Bewerbungsgespräch (bei einem MMORPG) geführt.

    In diesem Sinne, thumbs up.


    Alexander aka Nikio