PvP with other orgs Dec 15

  • Greetings, Citizens.

    As promised we organise another multi-org PvP Session. This time we’ve included an American evening session.

    We’ve had a blast last time, we aim to have as least as much fun this time, sheep jokes included.
    Lesson learned last time : we lost too much time getting organised before the op could start. This time we ask all teams to get a bit organised beforehand and group up in arena commander squadrons beforehand. That way we only have to organise the squadrons that are incomplete, so that we have more game time.

    Everyone is free to choose the ships they like, and we’ll use the same simultaneous drops.

    The big game changer is going to be 2.6 and Star Marine. If it’s out and functioning as hoped we’ll play at least a few rounds of that.

    Please reply if you’re interested to join in on the fun once more, and a guestimate of how many pilots would be appreciated.

    Questions and comments will be answered asap on these forums, or you can mail me directly if needed (email addy : see below)

    Thanks once again for the great PvP fest we had last time, and I hope to see you next week.

    The Black Widow Company (http://www.the-bwc.com) is proud to present another multi-org PvP event.

    Date : December 15th

    Time :

    09:45 UTC PacRim Evening Session (19:45 Australian eastern time zone)

    19:45 UTC EU Evening Session (20:45 Central European Time Zone)

    Dec 16 th 01:45 UTC US Evening Session (Dec 15th 20:45 Eastern Time Zone)

    We’ve opened dedicated channels on our teamspeak server
    Teamspeak address: the-bwc.com
    No password required for the dedicated channels
    You can download the teamspeak client for free at http://www.teamspeak.com/downloads
    Be aware that we require users to set up a push-to-talk-button.
    Commander comms will be set up.
    We will have a common room and separate rooms per org.
    Please be on TS ten minutes before the start of the event.

    Feel free to stream to your heart's desire. We would appreciate it if you would add following message to your stream:
    “If your organisation would like to participate in these PvP events, please leave a message for DrZombie at http://www.the-bwc.com.”

    Black Widow Company

Jetzt mitmachen!

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